Conversion of your content in real time to AS-3D

We are always up to date on the latest algorithm developments for real-time conversion from stereo 3D to Auto-Stereo 3D.

Software is already available which makes the live conversion from stereo 3D to a 2-view Auto-Stereo 3D monitor model possible.

Implementing the software on an FPGA board, this can be done within a delay of < 20 milliseconds. If you have needs in this area, we would be happy to be your reliable development partner. Increase the user comfort of your stereo applications via 3D view without the need for 3D glasses!

Stay tuned with us for the latest trends in S3D to AS-3D n-views real-time conversion. We would like to keep you up to date.

Stay tuned with us for the latest trends in S3D to AS-3D n-views real-time conversion. We would like to keep you up to date.

Sounds interesting?

Contact us. We would be happy to provide you with further details about our solution.