3D filter

Our core business is the development and production of optical filter elements used in 3D displays. The filters themselves consist of a thin carrier material (0.1mm film or 0.1 – 3mm thick glass) to which one or more optically effective layers are applied. The parameters of the optically effective layer(s) and the layer structure depend, among other things, on the underlying LCD panel and the desired properties of the 3D display (number of views / viewing distance / image separation ratio / …).

These filters are integrated into the LCD panel or mounted in front of the LCD display and serve as a “beam splitter” for the light exiting the panel. The filters thus ensure that the image content displayed on the display is spatially perceived by the observers.

Since this is a passive optical system, an electronic adaptation of the display controller or the panel electronics is not necessary. the preparation of the image content is carried out on the software side.

You may download data sheets of our current 3D-filters within the section Displays.

Which depth-of-field application do you want to implement? Discover more applications of glasses-free 3D imaging in real time.


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